Thank goodness my sister was into fashion. She used to order us Esprit catalogs which we'd pour over, learning what was cool at the moment. When we were done with them, we'd pull the pages out and hang them on the walls of the little travel trailer she and I shared as our bedrooms. It opened my eyes to a beautiful world I never knew existed. I thought being a fashion model would be amazing, but I was going through an awkward phase, so I set my sights on being a hand model. Oh my goodness.
When I was in fourth grade, my family moved deep into the woods outside of the small Northern California town of Yreka. I loved when we'd get to make the trip into town and I could gaze in the windows of my favorite store, Directions. The window displays were always done by a beautiful woman named Yoni, who I admired very much. When I got older, I would pick her brain about how she created those amazing displays. And it's definitely where I learned to appreciate a good display, especially one with cute merchandise.
My mom eventually took a job at a shop in town called the Second Hand Rose, which sold used clothing. It was like a dream come true for me because I got to be in charge of window displays. And sometimes, there wasn't as good of a selection as other times, so I learned to be resourceful with outfit displays, leaning on a few good key pieces to pull the looks together.
Along the way, I met my uncle who was a very successful doctor in San Francisco and I began to visit him on holidays. He shopped in wonderful department stores like Macy's and Saks Fifth Avenue and would take me there to shop, carte blanche. It was a shocking experience for me, as his world and mine could not have been more different. Now I could have the Esprit outfits I had only seen on my travel trailer bedroom walls, never even imagining that one day they could possibly be mine.
When I was just beginning my life as an adult, I'd still order fashion catalogs and would fill out huge orders on the order forms, sometimes taking several days at a time before I was done. Once complete, I'd tuck them away and wait for the next season's catalogs to arrive. For many years I wasn't able to place the orders, but the process made me happy. Like I was in touch with fashion.
I still love seeing each season's collections and look forward to every catalog that arrives. Each season (I break it up by spring/summer and fall/winter) I try to think about one main color I'm going to build my wardrobe around so that everything works well together and my dollar goes farther. For spring/summer this year, I'm loving navy blue. And so many colors look great with Navy.
From Boden. Wouldn't this be a cute start to my navy spring/summer? :
From EmersonMade:
and from Made by Hank (any of these would look so cute with my wardrobe):
And even the color of the year looks great with navy!
Look sis, it's me! I'm a hand model.
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Between posts on my website, I document my life on Instagram. You can follow along with me there.
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We so have the same taste, you've picked the exact same things from the Boden catalogue as I did and actually I've ordered that stripy tunic already because I love it so much.
Posted by: Yvonne | January 13, 2011 at 01:04 AM
Hi Serena.
This post is a pretty timely one for me!! You see, I recently moved to Spokane from 'the' OC. As in CA. While I'm loving everything here, I'm drawing blanks when it comes to shopping, whether for the home or myself (and my boys, lol). I was wondering if you'd be willing to share any of your favorite places to shop in the area? It would be greatly appreciated!!
Posted by: Kori | January 13, 2011 at 01:51 AM
I love your plan! Building the wardrobe around one color each season... brilliant.
What you said about filling out forms, I do that with "My Shopping Bag" on my favorite clothing sites... and rarely actually place the order. I get emails reminding me that my shopping bag is still full, and they make me so sad! :)
Posted by: Scattering Lupines | January 13, 2011 at 04:19 AM
Ha! Esprit catalogs! That brings back memories. I grew up with hand-me-downs and trendy pieces bought at discount stores or off clearance racks, but I loved fashion. I was going to be a fashion designer and would spend hours drawing girls and women in my latest designs. Now I'm trying to maintain (or establish?) some level of personal style while I'm pregnant and running around after my little guy. Probably time for some fashion magazines for myself. Thanks for sharing your fashion story!
Posted by: Bethany | January 13, 2011 at 04:30 AM
Goodness i'm really loving that Boden tunic, and navy blue is such a great color! I will have to check if I can order from this store from Canada. My girlfriend gifted me your cookbook this Xmas, love it!! Love your blog too :)
Posted by: Natasha | January 13, 2011 at 05:28 AM
Having grown up in a modest home must make you all the more grateful for the lovely new home you're building. You are a breath of fresh air!
Posted by: Karrina O'Neal | January 13, 2011 at 06:32 AM
I love pretty things...especially handbags! I went to ETSY to see those Made by! They are gorgeous! I put that shop on my favorites list! Enjoy your day! ♥
Posted by: Lavender Dreams | January 13, 2011 at 07:04 AM
Serena - such wonderful clothes. It's funny you're talking about hand modeling - have you seen this interview from CBS Sunday Morning?
You Tube - Ellen Sirot - Supermodel of Hands
Posted by: Vicki K | January 13, 2011 at 07:31 AM
I love your story. ModCloth, for whom I'm a writer for, is releasing an anthology of writings similar to this. Perhaps you'd like it. It's slated to be released in the beginning of Feb.!
Posted by: Angela | January 13, 2011 at 07:34 AM
I am a crazed working mom living on the very remote prairie and Boden is my GO TO fashion secret. I love their things and my mom has been buying my gifts from there for years. I'm tall so their longs are perfect in dresses. Great picks!
Posted by: Katpinke | January 13, 2011 at 07:34 AM
I loved this post - I absolutely connected to reading about filling out the order form but not placing the order. As adults (for a few years now, at least) my husband and I are still building our life, and I spend time poring over and cutting out the items in catalogs I would buy if we had a big house to complete or the funds for new clothes regularly. I agree, there's almost as much joy in just choosing the items as in actually buying them! (And every time we move, I'm so relieved I didn't buy it all!)
After growing up on a farm in Washington state, moving to Chicago for a few years, and now living outside of San Francisco, I love reading your blog and looking at your photos of Spokane. Someday I hope to be back in the Northwest!
I would love to know what color that fingernail polish is - it's so beautiful and sweet and bright!
Posted by: Kate S | January 13, 2011 at 07:51 AM
I love this post, Serena {and I'm really lovin' those sandals!}
Your house is sure coming along...too much excitement!!!
enjoy life...
Posted by: Elaine/TinkerVerve | January 13, 2011 at 07:53 AM
I honestly feel buying a new wardrobe per season is a bit crazy! Why not have a few classics to add to maybe some that can be worked into a couple seasons or more makes more sense and not so wasteful:)
Posted by: Kay | January 13, 2011 at 08:19 AM
Kay, I definitely didn't mean to insinuate that I buy an entire new wardrobe every season. :) What I meant is my wardrobe for the season, based around a few key new pieces I buy. That's all.
Posted by: Serena | January 13, 2011 at 08:23 AM
Kate, Sorry, I have no idea what the polish color is. I had my nails done the other day from a gift certificate I got for Christmas and I didn't even pay attention. I was too excited about adding some color into my life! :)
Posted by: Serena | January 13, 2011 at 08:25 AM
Welcome to Spokane! I love to shop at Finders Keepers, Lolo, Nordstrom, Ann Taylor Loft, Forever 21 and Target.
Posted by: Serena | January 13, 2011 at 08:27 AM
Oh, I love this, Serena! I also used to fill out the order forms of catalogs, putting together stunning wardrobes for the seasons. And when I was 17-20, I worked at a tiny upscale childrens boutique in SoCal. It was there my display dreams came true, as I was quickly put in charge of window displays, fashion show coordination, aided in assistant buying, and more. I'd always had an eye for visual display, and this really helped it blossom.
As for Navy blue being your color this year, I LOVE it! I've been telling everyone that I am taking my purple hair and making it deep blue in Spring. There's something very serene about blue and 2011 seems to already hold that feeling of peace and contentment.
Posted by: Kitschy Lisa | January 13, 2011 at 08:56 AM
I grew up much like you, looking at life through a is amazing that years later that feeling enver ever leaves never forget...I believe it makes you a better person....much more compassionate!
Posted by: Debbie | January 13, 2011 at 09:19 AM
So I wonder how many peole, that would have never worn navy blue, are going to do it now...kinda funny. I switched from black to brown to grey..haven't many navy staples. Navy looks so great with crisp white and all of the cheery colors. See, it is even causing me to ponder navy. Serena...such a trend setter!
Posted by: Angela | January 13, 2011 at 09:29 AM
Lovin' this post! I used to get a giant Spiegle (sp?) catalog and fill out the order forms in pencil and erase it and do it again and again until they shredded. I still love fake shopping!
I'm a firm believer in navy blue anything. It's as basic as a pair of good jeans. Also, Boden mini for kids has been an inspiration book for me for my babies (2 & 4yrs). I mostly shop second hand and Target, but Boden has such great picture ideas of how to put things together for the littler set. I love Johnny Boden and his stylists!
Posted by: Vicki | January 13, 2011 at 09:41 AM
Wonderful story!!!
Posted by: Mermaid Debbie | January 13, 2011 at 09:48 AM
Vicki, I forgot about Spiegel. I love them! It's been years. I should see if they're still around...
I love mini Boden too. Hard to justify a lot of their things because they're so darn expensive, but they sure are inspiring to look at, just as you said.
Posted by: Serena | January 13, 2011 at 09:52 AM
Window shopping is one of my very favorite things to do. Seriously.
Posted by: the domestic fringe | January 13, 2011 at 09:55 AM
I made my new book review blog the "color of the year", I must know the color and brand of nail polish...would love to get some for spring!! Thanks!♥
Posted by: tammy n | January 13, 2011 at 11:06 AM
As always, LOVE your posts. We had the good old Sears catalog growing up here in small town Canada. I've since moved up to virtual shopping via Boden and J. Crew. Good thing Boden doesn't ship to Canada, I might get too tempted :)
I am still hoping you will post where you found that gorgeous green coat!!
XOXO Michelle
Posted by: Michelle | January 13, 2011 at 02:07 PM
Hi Michelle,
The green coat came from Nordstrom a year or two ago. It was from the Brass Plum Section.
:) Serena
Posted by: Serena | January 13, 2011 at 03:38 PM
cute, cute, cute!!!
Posted by: stacy McCallum | January 13, 2011 at 06:34 PM
You are so cute! I grew up in Esprit! Well, whatever was on sale, LOL! I was a child of the 80's. I'll never forget my first pair of designer jeans.....Sassoon.
Now, I am so broad in my fashion. I love jeans, boots, long sweater tunics, funky necklaces.....boring colors like brown, black, and gray. But navy is cool! I will have to seek out some navy pieces this spring. It is very classic!
Posted by: All That Jazz Vintage | January 13, 2011 at 08:23 PM
I love your Esprit story=)...Sisters and fashion go together so well!! I love your choices...especially the yellow and white bag and cute striped dress from Boden...happy shopping!
funky junk
Posted by: Hollie eastman | January 15, 2011 at 08:18 AM
Serena your posts just make me feel so happy. Thank you
Posted by: lulu | January 19, 2011 at 12:09 PM
I grew up with accouterment and contemporary pieces bought at abatement food or off approval racks, but I admired fashion. I was traveling to be a appearance artist and would absorb hours cartoon girls and women in my latest designs.
Posted by: tunic girls | February 22, 2011 at 08:51 AM
I was thinking that color pink nail polish will not look good with navy dress or shirt but it's a good thing that I saw it on your blog. They jive together! What a surprise!
Posted by: khaki suits | May 11, 2011 at 04:14 AM