Today I'm taking you behind the scenes at World Headquarters, where I ran into quite a pickle this week when the wi-fi stopped working. When that happened, everything came to a grinding halt. I NEED the internet for a lot of what I do.
It all started with some technical difficulties with the Mothership. (That's the room that contains all of the wiring here).
Imagine me trying to troubleshoot in this room. I know, right? hahahahahahaha
After that didn't work, I ended up here:
at the Apple store. It ended up being a 5.5 hour visit at the Genius Bar (No, not that kind of bar), where the Apple geniuses help desperate souls like me who come in with teeth clenched and an impulse to throw one's laptop through the pretty glass entryway.
If you own any sort of Apple product and have a problem, please just drop what you're doing and go visit the geniuses. They're amazing. And nice! And even more importantly, patient. (Hi Eric and Eric! and George!)
In the end, I walked away with my first Porsche.
(aka the cutest little hard drive ever).
And now, we're back up and running. This morning I woke up to over 1,000 emails. I think I better get back at it.
P.S. No geniuses, laptops or pretty glass entryways were harmed in this process.
Note: I was not paid to talk about my experience at Apple. And heaven knows they don't need my endorsement to succeed. :)
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Between posts on my website, I document my life on Instagram. You can follow along with me there.
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I love the Genius Bar, my experience was in Hawaii while on vacation and I was stumped, they were em!
Posted by: susan braun | August 10, 2011 at 11:26 AM
I am an Apple person all the way.......PC is a dirty "word" in my house....tehe :)
Posted by: Deb Grogan | August 10, 2011 at 11:30 AM
We LOVE Apple at our house! In fact last Friday we drove up to the Apple Store because my husbands iPhone wasn't work (a year old next month). They took one look at it and gave him a new one! Would not get that kind of service with any cellphone company or electronic company for that matter!
Glad you are back up and running! Have a sunny afternoon!
Posted by: Jessica | August 10, 2011 at 12:45 PM
My daughter has a Mac and says she will never go back to a PC. Her laptop is nearly 4 years old. When the motherboard crapped out this spring she was expecting a HUGE repair bill but when she picked it up they told her "no charge, that's what we do". Now she has a computer with brand new innards.
Posted by: Karen | August 10, 2011 at 02:07 PM
I haven't stopped by here in a while, but I'm so glad I did! Good to see you again on your blog!
Posted by: pea.knits | August 10, 2011 at 02:42 PM
I love my Apple and would never go back. We now have three in our house and they used everyday.
Posted by: Jeanette | August 10, 2011 at 03:02 PM
I love my MacBook - 6 years old and still running! And the Genius Bar is - well - genius!
Posted by: Carrie | August 11, 2011 at 04:15 AM
Apple fan here too. No other compares to it! Good to see all is well again : )
Posted by: Mona | August 11, 2011 at 07:36 AM
I accidentally drop my new ipad2 and the glass shattered. I took it into Apple thinking they could replace the glass. I left the store with a brand new one! I was just about in tears, with so much appreciation that words cannot describe how thankful I was! Apple rocks! I asked them why they would do this & Jeremy( great Apple employee) said, because we want your business! Well that they have since I have a Mac, we have two iPhones & my iPad. Great company!
Posted by: Pam Clarke | August 15, 2011 at 08:11 AM
Ohh, I thought you got yourself a Porsche, haha. Whoa, so Porsche is also designing external hard drives? That's cool. It's sleek and cute, I'll probably get one, LOL.
Posted by: Clovis Seeman | November 10, 2011 at 07:15 AM