After we built our house and some initial landscaping was put in, basically a lawn and plant beds surrounding the house, I started thinking about the types of plants I wanted filling the beds. Initially, we paid a landscape architect to come in and draw up a plan but it would have been so expensive to bring the plan to life and I didn't love that the plan seemed to have such a modern day style. I wanted our farmhouse to feel like a farmhouse and have plants that seemed to fit more of what an old farmhouse would have had. Bringing that vision to life has actually been a trickle-like process for me as I wait for ideas or inspiration to come to me and try to do a little each year.
See what I mean? Don't the two just go together? Lavender + farmhouse = love love love
One of the first things I did was to put in lavender plants all along the front edge of one of the beds. I'd never grown lavender before and I know this will probably sound shocking... I've never been the biggest lavender fan. But for some reason, when I saw the plants at my local nursery, they seemed very farmhousey and I liked that, so I decided to give the plants a try. The starts came in tiny pots and I planted them with about 12 inches in between each other, hoping that they'd grow and fill in, creating a hedge of some sort.
I like how the color of the lavender changes with the light from this more muted tone during the day to really vibrant in the evening.
Caring for them has been very easy. We have built-in sprinklers and they get watered every day. They get a lot of sunlight and the soil drains well. I can't quite remember, but I think it took about two years for those initial plants to grow and fill in. The first couple of years I didn't clip anything off the plants but as they grew bigger, I began trimming them back by hand in the fall. Three years ago I decided that I really liked the lavender and how it was looking on the first bed and decided to plant them all along the front of another of the beds, which is the largest one of all, wrapping around the front of the house and to the back patio. Last year we purchased a heavy duty hedge trimmer to trim them up into a square hedge in the fall. The stalks of the plants can get very big and tough, like tree branches, so the heavy duty trimmer is the only thing I found that was able to cut through the growth and create a hedge that actually looks really neat, tidy, and square, which is what I want for the winter months. To me, I think spring and summer lavender looks great being wild and free, but in the winter, it's nice for it to be clean and tidy and I think the plant likes renewing itself each spring too.
My plants are all English Lavender, a combination of Hidcote and Munstead varieties, which is nice because there are subtle differences, including shades of color that look so pretty next to each other all in a row. This wasn't planned out but ended up working out nicely. They produce a TON of seeds and I do have a TON of seedlings that pop up each spring from all the seeds that drop. There's really no getting around that. To deal with all the seedlings, I simply take a Hula Hoe (aka stirrup hoe or scuffle hoe) and work the soil until they're gone. I repeat this a few times more in the coming weeks until they're all gone.
This bed was the second to be planted and has filled in nicely. It runs from the front of the house around to the back patio.
In the end, I love the lavender. It smells so beautiful in the evening, especially when a little breeze comes through and sends little wafts of lavender aroma all around, or when the lawn is mowed and bits of it get chewed up by the blades and smells like heaven. I was so happily surprised that the smell is so soft and sweet, not the pungent smell of lavender that I had smelled in lavender scented things. And it feeds so many bees!
I recommend buying your plants from a locally-owned nursery that only sells plants that will truly grow in your area. It's a mistake to think that just because plants are being sold at a store near you that the plants will grow there too. Read the labels on the plants before you buy them! I have seen countless plants being sold at box stores that aren't rated for our local growing zone or anything close to it!
If you want to grow a hedge, consider a test planting first before making a huge investment. What if the plants don't do well with your soil, amount of sunlight, winter temperatures, etc.
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Between posts on my website, and all year long, I'm preparing for The Farm Chicks Vintage & Handmade Fair. You can read alI about it here. I also document my life on Instagram. You can follow along with me there.
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I'm now obsessed with trimming our lavender into a square for winter. I dunno if we'll get the chance, because our lavender foundation planting is looking a tad puny, even after we amended the soil with peat moss. Fingers crossed!
Posted by: Kay | July 18, 2017 at 03:28 PM
Good luck, Kay! Hopefully your plants will get bigger and stronger with the soil amending. If you end up buying a hedge trimmer someday, I definitely recommend going with one that's really heavy duty. I made the mistake of buying a small one at first and it wasn't nearly strong enough to cut through the woody stalks of the lavender. Wishing you happy hedges! :) Serena
Posted by: Serena | July 25, 2017 at 08:18 AM
"I recommend buying your plants from a locally-owned nursery that only sells plants that will truly grow in your area. It's a mistake to think that just because plants are being sold at a store near you that the plants will grow there too"
You would not believe how often I see this mistake in Florida. Thanks for pointing it out...
Posted by: Jason | July 28, 2018 at 10:53 AM
Love lavender and am constantly surprised how little it is used here in Australia, outside of candle scents that are everywhere in the shops!
Posted by: Ash | January 06, 2019 at 08:58 PM