Colin and I just returned from a trip to London, which is someplace I've always thought would be such a special place to visit during the holidays. I really love the classic aesthetic of Christmas decorations throughout Europe and cannot express enough how darling all of the jolly quips I noticed in retail settings around London such as **Ginger-spiced and ever so nice! ** **Parcels of joy** **Festive Fancies** It was a lot of fun to take in.
I enjoyed seeing all of the holiday accents added to buildings around the city and bits of Christmas here and there.
We visited cozy British pubs, ate traditional Christmas Pudding and Mince Pies, took in a British soccer game, er "football match", strolled past Buckingham Palace with nary another human in sight,
Walked about 13 miles a day (seriously!), enjoyed lunch at NOPI, ate Russian Honey Cake at Harrods, shopped the fancy foods at Fortnum & Mason, and visited Christmas markets.
It was a jolly good time. :)
Looks absolutely magical. So enjoy every aspect of your life you share...CHEERS
Posted by: Patricia | December 21, 2018 at 08:16 PM
London has always been by favorite destination and you took me back to 2016 Christmas eve where I had fun with my family at London!!
Thanks for writing!!
Posted by: Li Vincent | December 25, 2018 at 09:11 PM
been to london lot many times. missed this new year and christmas.
your blog post is making me feel for missing these..
btw.. happy new year serena
Posted by: Stephanie Chew | January 03, 2019 at 02:59 AM