Image credit: Lisa Romerein, Styling by Janna Lufkin, as featured in Country Living Magazine
I'm so happy to announce a special guest at this year's Farm Chicks Vintage & Handmade Fair. Janna Lufkin, longtime stylist for some of the most popular shelter magazines and catalogs, will be leading shopping sessions throughout the weekend, as well as a special lunch on Sunday. Before I get to the details, please read about Janna below (and click here to visit Janna's blog to learn even more about this amazing friend of mine):
When people ask what I do, I answer, “I’m a stylist.” Their brows wrinkle, “A what?” Some think I do fancy things with hair. So I’ve learned to clarify, “I’m a PHOTO stylist.”
Over the years I’ve been called a bed stylist, a prop stylist, an interiors stylist, and just a stylist. All apply.
As a kid, I didn’t know about stylists. But I did know I was happiest dreaming up room arrangements, sorting out a jumbled bookcase, or re-arranging my room – again! Cleaning out the garage was an organizing and design challenge I wholeheartedly embraced and I’ve never seen a junk drawer I couldn’t happily ship into shape.
I simply can’t help myself. I yearn to make all things home functional yet pretty. And I do mean all things.
I had no idea being a stylist was actually a job. Fifteen years into a career as a graphic designer I was delighted when a photographer asked me to style a shoot. Decades later, I still pinch myself thinking about the challenges and possibilities of each assignment.
On the set, the magic starts to happen when What if? becomes Why not? What if a coffee table wasn’t a table at all? Why not fill that wedding gift vase with laundry soap? That way - you'll actually use it!
The wizardry begins when a team of problem-solvers all bring their unique skills and ideas to the set. Working with photographers, writers, art directors, and editors is still the most rewarding part of my job. ~Janna
Now, Janna gives a little more of her background and describes the details on the special shopping sessions she'll be offering as well as the lunch on Sunday:
Every wonder why the homes you see in magazines look so darn gorgeous? It’s because they’ve been ‘styled’ by a pro! I’m Janna Lufkin, a professional photo stylist. For over 25 years my work has appeared in catalogs and magazines like Eddie Bauer, Orvis, Country Living, Better Homes & Gardens, Sunset and more!
I know that one of the most important aspects of creating a room that looks special, one that really makes your heart sing, is the addition of a few unique items like the zillions you'll find at Farm Chicks. But just how do you make sure you go home with something GREAT, not just another dust catcher that you’ll quickly grow tired of?
Join me in one of five guided 2-hour Farm Chicks shopping sessions. We’ll strategically roam the aisles, chat with Curators, learn to spot the best of the best and the diamonds in the rough. I’ll share the fun of the hunt, along with my secrets about how to shop, what to buy now, what’s hot to collect and how to score the best deals. Plus, you’ll discover ideas about design and display and how to showcase your treasures – or put them to work!
And with treasure-hunting in mind, each Shop With A Stylist participant will receive a tote bag designed by my other venture, Raw Materials Design. Each tote will include a tip sheet plus a few stylist must-haves, to keep you on track as you hunt and gather. Come with me and join the fun. I'll send you off with all sorts of ideas for creating your unique Home Sweet Home!
When: Saturday and Sunday, June 3-4 2017
Where: The Fairgrounds, Spokane, WA
Cost: $75 each, maximum of 10 people per session. Click here to reserve your shopping session.
(Purchase of an admission ticket to The Farm Chicks Vintage & Handmade Fair is required to participate).
There are 5 Shop With A Stylist sessions:
(The meeting location for each session will be clearly marked and is located at the front entrance, by the information booth.)
Saturday, June 3
• 11:00am-1:00pm
• 1:30pm -3:30pm
• 4:00pm -6:00pm
Sunday, June 4
• 10:00am - 12:00pm
• 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Click here to reserve your shopping session.
Pre-purchase is required to participate in all Shop With A Stylist sessions. Due to the limited number of spaces for each session, refunds are not available for this event.
Show Me What You Bought! Lunch
Even if you don't join a Shop Like A Stylist session, meet me Sunday, June 4 from 12:30pm to 1:45pm in the Silo for a casual, brown bag, get-to-know you lunch. I’m dying to see what caught your eye, and hear why. I’d love to see what you bought, (or what you wish you had bought) and what you plan to do with your stash. I want to hear all about your style, your home and your projects. I’ll share stories about what it’s like to be a stylist and how I fell into this unique, dream job. I’ll do my best to answer your questions then send you off to shop with a small gift (two must-have tools), so you're prepared for an afternoon of treasure-hunting. You don't need to be a Shop Like A Stylist session participant to join me for the Show Me What You Bought! lunch.
When: Sunday, June 4, 2017
Where: The Silo at the Fairgrounds
When: 12:30pm – 1:45pm
Cost: $38.00 (includes brown-bag lunch and drink), maximum of 36 people. Click here to reserve your space at the lunch.
(Purchase of an admission ticket to The Farm Chicks Vintage & Handmade Fair is required to participate).
Pre-purchase of tickets for the Show Me What You Bought lunch is required by May 31. Due to the limited amount of spaces and pre-purchase of catering services, refunds are not offered for this event.
Image credit: Annie Schlechter, styling by Janna Lufkin, as seen in Country Living Magazine.
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